## Preliminaries ----
rm(list = ls()) ## Clear the environment
## Install and load packages
packages <- c('rstudioapi','R.utils','dplyr','tidyr','data.table','knitr','kableExtra','Hmisc','systemfit','miscTools') ## Manually list package dependencies
if (!require('pacman')) install.packages('pacman')
pacman::p_load(packages, character.only = TRUE) ## Check if all packages declared in the previous vector are installed, install if not, and load them
## (Local) Path to the current script
scriptpath <- dirname(rstudioapi::getSourceEditorContext()$path)
scriptpath %>% setwd()
Recall from microeconomic theory the expenditure function of an \(n\)-good system (in most recent applications of the AIDS model, a “good” is an aggregate product category): \[\begin{align*} e(p,u) \equiv \min_{\{ q_j \}_{j=1}^{n}} &\sum_{j=1}^n p_j q_j \\ s.t. \ & U(q_1, \dots, q_n) \geq u \end{align*}\] The Hicksian (or compensated) demand function solves the expenditure minimization problem: \[\begin{align*} h(p,u) \equiv \underset{\{ q_j \}_{j=1}^{n}}{\operatorname{arg min}} &\sum_{j=1}^n p_j q_j \\ s.t. \ & U(q_1, \dots, q_n) \geq u \end{align*}\] It follows that \[\begin{align}\label{eq:hicksian} e(p,u) = p \cdot h(p,u) \tag{1} \end{align}\] where the price vector \(p=(p_1, \dots, p_n)\). By the Shephard’s Lemma, we have \[\begin{align*} \frac{\partial e(p,u)}{\partial p_j} = h_j (p,u) = q_j \end{align*}\] For a utility-maximizing consumer, her total expenditure \(X\) satisfies \[\begin{align}\label{eq:bc} X = e(p,u) \tag{2} \end{align}\] We can then write the expenditure share of product \(j\): \[\begin{align}\label{eq:share} w_j \equiv \frac{p_j q_j}{X} \overset{\eqref{eq:bc}}{=} \frac{p_j q_j}{e(p,u)} = \frac{\partial \ln e(p,u)}{\partial \ln p_j} \tag{3} \end{align}\] where the chain rule is used.
Following Deaton and Muellbauer (1980a), we take the Piglog (Price Invariant Generalized Logarithmic) class of preferences. The Piglog form was developed to treat aggregate consumer behavior as if it were the outcome of a single rational representative consumer. If this is the case, then a reallocation of a single unit of currency from any one household to another must leave market demand unchanged. In other words, the marginal propensity to spend must be the same for all households, so the quantity consumed is linear in expenditure. Furthermore, we have the following log-expenditure function: \[\begin{align}\label{eq:lnexp} \ln e(p,u) = a(p) + b(p) \cdot u \tag{4} \end{align}\] Deaton and Muellbauer (1980a) set the functional forms of \(a(p)\) and \(b(p)\) to ensure that \(e(\cdot,\cdot)\) is flexible enough and has enough parameters for its derivatives \(\frac{\partial e}{\partial p_j}\), \(\frac{\partial e}{\partial u}\), \(\frac{\partial e}{\partial p_j \partial p_k}\), \(\frac{\partial e}{\partial p_j \partial u}\), \(\frac{\partial e}{\partial u^2}\): \[\begin{align*} a(p) &= \sum_{j=1}^n \alpha_j \ln p_j + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^n \gamma_{jk}^* \ln p_j \ln p_k \\ b(p) &= \prod_{j=1}^n p_j^{\beta_j} \end{align*}\] The translog expression \(a(p)\) can be obtained by expanding \(\ln e (p)\) in a second-order Taylor series about the point \(\ln p= 0\).
The homogeneity of degree of the expenditure function in \(p\) requires: \[\begin{align}\label{eq:homocs} \sum_{j=1}^n \alpha_j = 1, \ \sum_{j=1}^n \gamma^*_{jk} = \sum_{j=1}^n \gamma^*_{kj} = \sum_{j=1}^n \beta_j = 0 \tag{5} \end{align}\] It then follows that \[\begin{align} \eqref{eq:share} \& \eqref{eq:lnexp} \Rightarrow w_j & = \frac{\partial \ln e(p,u)}{\partial \ln p_j} \nonumber \\ &= \alpha_j + \frac{1}{2} \sum_k \gamma^*_{jk} \ln p_k + \frac{1}{2} \sum_k \gamma^*_{kj} \ln p_k + \beta_j \prod_{j=1}^n p_j^{\beta_j} \cdot u \nonumber \\ &\equiv \alpha_j + \sum_k \gamma_{jk} \ln p_k + \beta_j \prod_{j=1}^n p_j^{\beta_j} \cdot u \nonumber \\ &= \alpha_j + \sum_k \gamma_{jk} \ln p_k + \beta_j b(p) u \nonumber \\ &\overset{\eqref{eq:lnexp}}{=} \alpha_j + \sum_k \gamma_{jk} \ln p_k + \beta_j \Big( \ln e(p,u) - a(p) \Big) \nonumber \\ &\overset{\eqref{eq:bc}}{\equiv} \alpha_j + \sum_k \gamma_{jk} \ln p_k + \beta_j \ln \left( \frac{X}{P} \right) \label{eq:aids} \tag{6} \end{align}\] where \(\gamma_{jk} = \gamma_{kj} \equiv \frac{1}{2} \left( \gamma_{jk}^* + \gamma_{kj}^* \right)\) and the price index \(P\) is defined by \[\begin{align} \ln P &\equiv a(p) = \frac{1}{2} \big( a(p) + a(p) \big) \nonumber \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^n \alpha_j \ln p_j + \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^n \gamma_{jk}\ln p_j \ln p_k \label{eq:price} \tag{7} \end{align}\] Expression \(\eqref{eq:aids}\) is the AIDS demand system in budget share form.
Now we have a system of equations that can be econometrically estimated (the AIDS model): \[\begin{align}\label{eq:aidsec} w_{jt} = \alpha_j + \sum_k \gamma_{jk} \ln p_{jt} + \beta_j \ln \left( \frac{X_t}{P_t} \right) + \varepsilon_{jt}, \quad \sum_j \varepsilon_{jt} = 0, \forall t \tag{8} \end{align}\] Given that the observed shares \(w_i\) always sum to one, the constraints on parameters \(\eqref{eq:homocs}\) are automatically satisfied.
One problem is that \(\sum_j \varepsilon_j = 0\) implies that the covariance matrix is singular, to avoid estimation problems due to this singularity, one of the equations has to be dropped from the system. But no information will be lost by doing this, the coefficients of the dropped equation can be calculated from the restrictions on parameters \(\eqref{eq:homocs}\), the estimation results do not depend on which equation is dropped.
The demand system \(\eqref{eq:aidsec}\) is linear except for the price index \(P_t\). Deaton and Muellbauer (1980a) suggest approximating the price index with the Stone’s index to make the entire demand system linear: \[\begin{align*} \ln P_t^* &= \sum_j w_{jt} \ln p_{jt} \label{eq:stone} \tag{9} \end{align*}\] Then \(\eqref{eq:aidsec}\) can be estimated as (linear approximation of the AIDS, the LA-AIDS model) \[\begin{align} w_{jt} &= \alpha_j - \beta_j \ln \phi + \sum_k \gamma_{jk} \ln p_{jt} + \beta_j \ln \left( \frac{X_t}{P^*_t} \right) + \varepsilon_{jt} \nonumber \\ &\equiv \alpha_j^* + \sum_k \gamma_{jk} \ln p_{jt} + \beta_j \ln \left( \frac{X_t}{P^*_t} \right) + \varepsilon_{jt} \label{eq:laaids} \tag{10} \end{align}\] where \(P \simeq \phi P^*\), \(\alpha_j^* \equiv \alpha_j - \beta_j \ln \phi\), and \(\sum_j \alpha^*_j =0\) is still required for adding up, since \(\sum_j \beta_j = 0\).
Since the number of parameters increases quadratically with the number of products, the estimation of this model requires that \(T\) (either time periods or geographic markets for spatial analysis) is substantially larger than the number of products \(n\).
Given data on prices \(\{p_{jt}\}_{j,t}\) and quantities \(\{q_{jt}\}_{j,t}\), our goal is to estimate the parameters \(\{\alpha_{j}\}_{j}\), \(\{\beta_{j}\}_{j}\), and \(\{\gamma_{jk}\}_{j,k}\) of the AIDS \(\eqref{eq:aidsec}\) or the parameters \(\{\alpha^*_{j}\}_{j}\), \(\{\beta_{j}\}_{j}\), and \(\{\gamma_{jk}\}_{j,k}\) of the LA-AIDS \(\eqref{eq:laaids}\).
Given data on prices \(\{p_{jt}\}_{j,t}\) and quantities \(\{q_{jt}\}_{j,t}\):
The Stone’s index includes current budget shares (\(w_{it}\)), which appear on both the left and right sides of \(\eqref{eq:laaids}\). Several scholars (e.g. Blanciforti et al. 1986) suggest using lagged shares in the Stone’s price index: \[\begin{align*} \ln P_t^{*L} &= \sum_j w_{j,t-1} \ln p_{jt} \end{align*}\]
Obviously, the Stone’s price index \(\eqref{eq:stone}\) is not invariant to changes in the units of measurement (e.g. EURO/kg or USD/pound). One solution is to normalize: to choose a “base” period and to use the relative prices (see Moschini, 1995).
Iterative Linear Least Squares Estimation:
At each iteration, \(\eqref{eq:aidsec}\) is a system of seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR), and we can estimate it using constrained (constrained parameters) feasible GLS (see Greene, 2018, chapter 10).
This iterated SUR estimator generally converges to the FIML estimates (Blanciforti et al. (1986) estimate their AIDS model by FIML), maximum likelihood has no advantages over FGLS in its asymptotic properties (Greene, 2018).
from the
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provides similar results but much faster
than ml
command (more than nlsur
, quaids
the user to fit either the standard AIDS model of Deaton &
Muellbauer (1980a), or its quadratic variant of Banks et al., 1997.
Demographic variables can be specified, elasticities can be calculated
using postestimation commands.)sureg
and suest
(LA-AIDS) and model
(AIDS), an example: https://support.sas.com/rnd/app/ets/examples/aids/index.htm,
calculating elasticities: https://support.sas.com/rnd/app/ets/examples/elasticity/index.htmOur data set is U.S. food demand data (Blanciforti et al., 1986) which distinguishes four categories (\(j \in \{1,2,3,4\}\)) of food(:
), andFood4
).These data are available for the years 1947 to 1978.
## Online data: Blanciforti et al. (1986) ----
data_wide <- data.table::fread("https://github.com/cran/micEconAids/raw/master/data/Blanciforti86.txt.gz") %>%
drop_na() %>%
rename(Year = V1)
## Number of goods
n <- 4
## Data cleansing ----
## Eventually, we need wide data, but it would be handy if we first reshape it longer
data_long <- tidyr::pivot_longer(data_wide %>% select(c('Year',"xFood",
cols = !c(Year,xFood),
names_to = c('.value','Food'),
names_pattern = "(\\w+)(\\d{1})") %>%
group_by(Food) %>%
rename(w_jt = wFood,
p_jt = pFood,
x_t = xFood) %>%
mutate(w_j = mean(w_jt, na.rm = TRUE),
p_j = mean(p_jt, na.rm = TRUE),
lnp_jt = log(p_jt)) %>%
group_by(Year) %>%
mutate(lnx_t = log(x_t),
lnP_stone_t = sum(w_jt*lnp_jt, na.rm = TRUE),
lnP_stone_t_1 = sum(Hmisc::Lag(w_jt)*lnp_jt, na.rm = TRUE),
lnx_lnP_stone_t = log(x_t) - lnP_stone_t,
lnx_lnP_stone_t_1 = log(x_t) - lnP_stone_t_1)
## # A tibble: 6 × 7
## # Groups: Year [2]
## Year x_t Food w_jt p_jt w_j p_j
## <int> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1947 310. 1 0.298 59.6 0.310 85.9
## 2 1947 310. 2 0.172 53.8 0.200 84.7
## 3 1947 310. 3 0.134 52.1 0.134 89.8
## 4 1947 310. 4 0.397 58 0.355 89.0
## 5 1948 326. 1 0.305 67.6 0.310 85.9
## 6 1948 326. 2 0.162 55.4 0.200 84.7
## LA-AIDS Data ----
la_data <- pivot_wider(data_long %>% select(c('Year','Food','x_t','w_jt','lnp_jt','lnx_lnP_stone_t','lnx_lnP_stone_t_1')),
names_from = Food,
names_glue = "{.value}_{Food}",
values_from = c(w_jt,lnp_jt)
colnames(la_data) <- gsub("(^\\w+\\_)(j)(t)(\\_)(\\d{1})","\\1\\5\\3",colnames(la_data))
##' Function: return the restrictions on parameters ----
##' (our equation system is a constrained system)
##' Symmetry is assumed (notice that symmetry implies homogeneity)
restriction <- function(n) {
nExoEqn <- n + 2 # number of exogenous variables per equation
nExo <- (n-1)*nExoEqn # number of exogenous variables
restriction <- diag(nExo)
delCols <- NULL
for (i in 1:(n-1)) { ## homogeneity
delCol <- (i-1)*(nExoEqn) + 2 + n
addCol <- ((i-1)*nExoEqn + 3):((i - 1)*nExoEqn + 2 + (n - 1))
restriction[delCol, addCol] <- -1
delCols <- c(delCols, delCol)
for (i in 1:(n - 2)) { ## symmetry
for (j in (i + 1):(n - 1)) {
delCol <- (j - 1) * nExoEqn + 2 + i
addCol <- (i - 1) * nExoEqn + 2 + j
restriction[,addCol] <- restriction[,addCol] + restriction[,delCol]
delCols <- c(delCols, delCol)
restriction <- restriction[,-delCols]
tmpnames <- NULL
for( i in 1:(n - 1)) {
tmpnames <- c(tmpnames, paste0("alpha_",i),paste0("beta_",i))
start <- 1
stop <- n
for( j in 1:n){
tmpnames <- c(tmpnames, paste0("gamma_",i,j))
rownames(restriction) <- tmpnames
tmpnames <- NULL
for( i in 1:(n-1)) {
tmpnames <- c(tmpnames, paste0("alpha_",i),paste0("beta_",i))
start <- 1
stop <- n
for( j in i:(n-1)){
tmpnames <- c(tmpnames, paste0("gamma_",i,j))
colnames(restriction) <- tmpnames
##' Function: LA-AIDS estimation ----
##' returning the coefficients
la_coef <- function(est, n, data, stone_lag = FALSE) {
data <- as.data.frame(data)
nExoEqn <- n + 2 # number of exogenous variables per equation
nObs <- if(stone_lag == TRUE) c(2:nrow(data)) else c(1:nrow(data))
## Matrix used to transform the coefficients
M <- matrix(0, n*nExoEqn, (n - 1)*nExoEqn)
rownames(M) <- c(paste0("alpha_",c(1:n)),paste0("beta_",c(1:n)),paste0("gamma_",rep(1:n,each=n),rep(1:n,n)))
tmpnames <- NULL
for( i in 1:(n - 1)) {
tmpnames <- c(tmpnames, paste0("alpha_",i),paste0("beta_",i))
start <- 1
stop <- n
for( j in 1:n){
tmpnames <- c(tmpnames, paste0("gamma_",i,j))
colnames(M) <- tmpnames
alphas <- paste0("alpha_",c(1:n))
betas <- paste0("beta_",c(1:n))
gammas <- matrix(paste0("gamma_",rep(1:n,n),rep(1:n,each = n)), nrow = n, ncol = n)
for(i in 1:(n-1) ) {
M[alphas[i], alphas[i]] <- 1
M[alphas[n], alphas[i]] <- -1
M[betas[i], betas[i]] <- 1
M[betas[n], betas[i]] <- -1
for(j in 1:n) {
M[gammas[i, j], gammas[i, j]] <- 1
M[gammas[n, j], gammas[i, j]] <- -1
## Coefficients
coef <- c(M %*% coef(est))
names(coef) <- c(paste0("alpha_",c(1:n)),paste0("beta_",c(1:n)),paste0("gamma_",rep(1:n,each=n),rep(1:n,n)))
coef[alphas[n]] <- coef[alphas[n]] + 1
## Variance-covariance matrix
cov <- M %*% vcov(est) %*% t(M)
rownames(cov) <- names(coef)
colnames(cov) <- names(coef)
## Estimates with se and p values
stat <- miscTools::coefTable(coef, sqrt(diag(cov)), 1)
## Fitted values
wFitted <- as.data.frame(matrix( NA, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = n))
colnames(wFitted) <- paste0("w_",c(1:n),'t')
rownames(wFitted) <- rownames(data)
if (stone_lag == FALSE) { ## whether to use lagged shares in Stone's price index
for( i in 1:nrow(data)) {
logPrices <- as.numeric(data[i,paste0("lnp_",c(1:n),'t')])
logTotExp <- as.numeric(log(data[i,'x_t']))
if(all(!is.na(c(logPrices,logTotExp)))) {
numerator <- coef[grepl('alpha',names(coef))] + matrix(coef[grepl('gamma',names(coef))], nrow = 4) %*% logPrices + coef[grepl('beta',names(coef))] * logTotExp
wFitted[i,] <- solve(diag(n) + coef[grepl('beta',names(coef))] %*% t(logPrices), numerator)
} else {
for( i in 1:nrow(data)) {
logPrices <- as.numeric(data[1,paste0("lnp_",c(1:n),'t')])
logTotExp <- as.numeric(log(data[1,'x_t']))
if(all(!is.na(c(logPrices,logTotExp)))) {
numerator <- coef[grepl('alpha',names(coef))] + matrix(coef[grepl('gamma',names(coef))], nrow = 4) %*% logPrices + coef[grepl('beta',names(coef))] * logTotExp
wFitted[1,] <- solve(diag(n) + coef[grepl('beta',names(coef))] %*% t(logPrices), numerator)
## Residuals
wResid <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = n))
names(wResid) <- paste0("wResid", as.character(1:n))
for( i in 1:n) {
wResid[,i] <- data[[paste0("w_",c(1:n),'t')[i]]] - wFitted[,i]
## R-squared
r2 <- numeric(n)
for(i in 1:(n - 1)) {
r2[i] <- summary(est$eq[[i]])$r.squared
r2[n] <- miscTools::rSquared(as.numeric(data[nObs, paste0("w_",c(1:n),'t')[n]]), wResid[nObs,n])
names(r2) <- paste0("w_",c(1:n),'t')
## Function output
out <- list()
out$coef <- coef
out$alpha <- coef[grepl('alpha',names(coef))]
out$beta <- coef[grepl('beta',names(coef))]
out$gamma <- matrix(coef[grepl('gamma',names(coef))], nrow = n)
out$cov <- cov
out$stat <- stat
out$r2 <- r2
## Function: print the LA-AIDS estimation results ----
la_print <- function(coef) {
cat( "Demand analysis with the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS)\n" )
cat( "Estimation Method: LA" )
cat( "Estimated Coefficients:\n" )
cat( "\n R-squared:\n" )
The LA-AIDS model estimates the following equation system:
## Function: LA equation system ----
la_sur_system <- function(n,stone_lag=FALSE){
system <- list()
for(i in 2:n ) {
if (stone_lag==TRUE) {
system[[i-1]] <- paste( "w_", as.character(i), 't', " ~ lnx_lnP_stone_t_1", sep = "" )
} else {
system[[i-1]] <- paste( "w_", as.character(i), 't', " ~ lnx_lnP_stone_t", sep = "" )
for( j in 1:n ) {
system[[i-1]] <- paste(system[[i-1]], " + lnp_", as.character(j), 't', sep = "")
system[[i-1]] <- as.formula(system[[i-1]])
## Print
print(la_sur_system(n=4, stone_lag = FALSE) %>% as.matrix())
## [,1]
## [1,] w_2t ~ lnx_lnP_stone_t + lnp_1t + lnp_2t + lnp_3t + lnp_4t
## [2,] w_3t ~ lnx_lnP_stone_t + lnp_1t + lnp_2t + lnp_3t + lnp_4t
## [3,] w_4t ~ lnx_lnP_stone_t + lnp_1t + lnp_2t + lnp_3t + lnp_4t
One equation (\(j=4\)) is dropped, as explained in section @ref(empirics). The system is subject to the restrictions \(\eqref{eq:homocs}\) on the coefficients. Here are the estimation results of the LA-AIDS model.
## Execute the functions
la_est <- systemfit::systemfit(la_sur_system(n=4, stone_lag = FALSE),
method = "SUR",
data = la_data,
restrict.regMat = restriction(n=4))
## Print results
la_print(la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data))
## Demand analysis with the Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS)
## Estimation Method: LAEstimated Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## alpha_1 0.012755849 0.06120957 0.2083963 0.86920280
## alpha_2 0.204904154 0.03909167 5.2416320 0.12001233
## alpha_3 0.858168488 0.09520606 9.0138013 0.07033959
## alpha_4 -0.075828491 0.08919842 -0.8501103 0.55146440
## beta_1 0.108276246 0.03591698 3.0146257 0.20390573
## beta_2 -0.042933585 0.02267008 -1.8938433 0.30928060
## beta_3 -0.291859665 0.05581464 -5.2290878 0.12029344
## beta_4 0.226517004 0.05224891 4.3353445 0.14431992
## gamma_11 -0.122665677 0.01703682 -7.2000322 0.08785698
## gamma_12 0.016228192 0.01056249 1.5363982 0.36732238
## gamma_13 0.084008792 0.01978032 4.2470901 0.14721413
## gamma_14 0.022428693 0.01923398 1.1660970 0.45127913
## gamma_21 0.016228192 0.01056249 1.5363982 0.36732238
## gamma_22 -0.053518273 0.02236892 -2.3925285 0.25203733
## gamma_23 0.044077707 0.01834943 2.4021293 0.25113146
## gamma_24 -0.006787626 0.01601504 -0.4238281 0.74479336
## gamma_31 0.084008792 0.01978032 4.2470901 0.14721413
## gamma_32 0.044077707 0.01834943 2.4021293 0.25113146
## gamma_33 -0.053769626 0.03762329 -1.4291580 0.38867746
## gamma_34 -0.074316873 0.03240317 -2.2935065 0.26175396
## gamma_41 0.022428693 0.01923398 1.1660970 0.45127913
## gamma_42 -0.006787626 0.01601504 -0.4238281 0.74479336
## gamma_43 -0.074316873 0.03240317 -2.2935065 0.26175396
## gamma_44 0.058675806 0.04024400 1.4580014 0.38272304
## R-squared:
## w_1t w_2t w_3t w_4t
## 0.7972795 0.3419233 0.6345755 -6.0232270
Using the strategy discussed in section @ref(aidssteps), system \(\eqref{eq:aidsec}\) can be estimated using linear estimation techniques:
## Function: AIDS equation system ----
aids_sur_system <- function(n){
system <- list()
for(i in 2:n ) {
system[[i-1]] <- paste( "w_", as.character(i), 't', " ~ lnx_lnP_t", sep = "" )
for( j in 1:n ) {
system[[i-1]] <- paste(system[[i-1]], " + lnp_", as.character(j), 't', sep = "")
system[[i-1]] <- as.formula(system[[i-1]])
## Print the system
print(aids_sur_system(n=4) %>% as.matrix())
## [,1]
## [1,] w_2t ~ lnx_lnP_t + lnp_1t + lnp_2t + lnp_3t + lnp_4t
## [2,] w_3t ~ lnx_lnP_t + lnp_1t + lnp_2t + lnp_3t + lnp_4t
## [3,] w_4t ~ lnx_lnP_t + lnp_1t + lnp_2t + lnp_3t + lnp_4t
The initial value \(\ln P^0\) (a \(T \times 1\) vector) is obtained from the LA-AIDS estimation. Convergence is reached fast:
## AIDS data ----
aids_data <- pivot_wider(data_long %>%
names_from = Food,
names_glue = "{.value}_{Food}",
values_from = c(w_jt,lnp_jt)
colnames(aids_data) <- gsub("(^\\w+\\_)(j)(t)(\\_)(\\d{1})","\\1\\5\\3",colnames(aids_data))
##' Function: to calculate the translog prices lnP ----
##' (which depend on parameters)
translog <- function(coef, data) {
nObs <- nrow(data)
alpha0 <- 1
lnP_t <- array(alpha0, c(nObs))
alpha <- coef[grepl('alpha',names(coef))]
n <- length(alpha)
beta <- coef[grepl('beta',names(coef))]
gamma <- matrix(coef[grepl('gamma',names(coef))], nrow = n)
for( i in 1:n) {
lnP_t <- lnP_t + alpha[i] * data[[paste0("lnp_",i,'t')]]
for( j in 1:n) {
lnP_t <- lnP_t + 0.5 * gamma[i,j] *data[[paste0("lnp_",i,'t')]] * data[[paste0("lnp_",j,'t')]]
names(lnP_t) <- paste0('t=',row.names(data))
## Add intial values of translog prices to data (calculated using LA-AIDS estiamtes)
aids_data$lnP_t <- as.numeric(translog(coef = la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef, data = la_data))
aids_data <- aids_data %>%
mutate(lnx_lnP_t = lnx_t - lnP_t)
## Function: AIDS estimation ----
aids_est <- function(maxIter, tol = 1e-5, b_start = la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef, data = aids_data, n) {
## starting values
b <- b_start
b_diff <- b
data_updated <- data
count <- 1
for (nIter in 1:maxIter) {
b_last <- b ## save the coef from last iteration
lnP_update <- translog(b, data = aids_data)
data_updated$lnP_t <- as.numeric(lnP_update)
data_updated <- data_updated %>% mutate(lnx_lnP_t = lnx_t - lnP_t)
## SUR
est <- systemfit::systemfit(aids_sur_system(n), method = "SUR",data = data_updated,restrict.regMat = restriction(n))
nExoEqn <- n + 2 # number of exogenous variables per equation
nObs <- c(1:nrow(data_updated))
## Matrix used to transform the coefficients
M <- matrix(0, n*nExoEqn, (n - 1)*nExoEqn)
rownames(M) <- c(paste0("alpha_",c(1:n)),paste0("beta_",c(1:n)),paste0("gamma_",rep(1:n,each=n),rep(1:n,n)))
tmpnames <- NULL
for( i in 1:(n - 1)) {
tmpnames <- c(tmpnames, paste0("alpha_",i),paste0("beta_",i))
start <- 1
stop <- n
for( j in 1:n){
tmpnames <- c(tmpnames, paste0("gamma_",i,j))
colnames(M) <- tmpnames
alphas <- paste0("alpha_",c(1:n))
betas <- paste0("beta_",c(1:n))
gammas <- matrix(paste0("gamma_",rep(1:n,n),rep(1:n,each = n)), nrow = n, ncol = n)
for(i in 1:(n-1) ) {
M[alphas[i], alphas[i]] <- 1
M[alphas[n], alphas[i]] <- -1
M[betas[i], betas[i]] <- 1
M[betas[n], betas[i]] <- -1
for(j in 1:n) {
M[gammas[i, j], gammas[i, j]] <- 1
M[gammas[n, j], gammas[i, j]] <- -1
## Coefficients
b <- c(M %*% coef(est))
names(b) <- c(paste0("alpha_",c(1:n)),paste0("beta_",c(1:n)),paste0("gamma_",rep(1:n,each=n),rep(1:n,n)))
b[alphas[n]] <- b[alphas[n]] + 1
alpha <- b[grepl('alpha',names(b))]
beta <- b[grepl('beta',names(b))]
gamma <- matrix(b[grepl('gamma',names(b))], nrow = n)
b_diff <- b - b_last
count <- count + 1
if (((t(b_diff) %*% b_diff) / (t(b) %*% b))^0.5 <= tol) break()
out <- list()
out$b <- b
out$iter <- nIter
## Execute the estimations, adjust the upper limit of number of iterations
out <- cbind(la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef,
aids_est(maxIter = 1, tol = 1e-5, b_start = la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef, data = aids_data, n=4)$b,
aids_est(maxIter = 5, tol = 1e-5, b_start = la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef, data = aids_data, n=4)$b,
aids_est(maxIter = 10, tol = 1e-5, b_start = la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef, data = aids_data, n=4)$b) %>% as.data.frame()
## Get the actual number of runs (which is likely to be lower than our preset upper limit)
colnames(out) <- c("LA-AIDS",paste0("No. of iterations = ",aids_est(maxIter = 1, tol = 1e-5, b_start = la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef, data = aids_data, n=4)$iter), paste0("No. of iterations = ", aids_est(maxIter = 5, tol = 1e-5, b_start = la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef, data = aids_data, n=4)$iter),paste0("No. of iterations = ", aids_est(maxIter = 10, tol = 1e-5, b_start = la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef, data = aids_data, n=4)$iter,' (convergence)'))
## Print, compare with LA results
align = rep('c',ncol(out)),
booktabs = T) %>%
column_spec(2:5, width = "8em") %>%
add_header_above(c(" " = 2, "AIDS" = 3))
LA-AIDS | No. of iterations = 1 | No. of iterations = 5 | No. of iterations = 6 (convergence) | |
alpha_1 | 0.0127558 | 0.1364995 | 0.1320134 | 0.1320135 |
alpha_2 | 0.2049042 | 0.1678119 | 0.1673457 | 0.1673455 |
alpha_3 | 0.8581685 | 0.5700479 | 0.5689800 | 0.5689796 |
alpha_4 | -0.0758285 | 0.1256407 | 0.1316609 | 0.1316613 |
beta_1 | 0.1082762 | 0.0868199 | 0.0930121 | 0.0930119 |
beta_2 | -0.0429336 | -0.0512893 | -0.0505226 | -0.0505224 |
beta_3 | -0.2918597 | -0.2989509 | -0.2969064 | -0.2969059 |
beta_4 | 0.2265170 | 0.2634203 | 0.2544169 | 0.2544163 |
gamma_11 | -0.1226657 | -0.1507864 | -0.1429157 | -0.1429155 |
gamma_12 | 0.0162282 | 0.0287326 | 0.0235330 | 0.0235330 |
gamma_13 | 0.0840088 | 0.1604749 | 0.1327353 | 0.1327347 |
gamma_14 | 0.0224287 | -0.0384211 | -0.0133526 | -0.0133522 |
gamma_21 | 0.0162282 | 0.0287326 | 0.0235330 | 0.0235330 |
gamma_22 | -0.0535183 | -0.0542912 | -0.0517749 | -0.0517750 |
gamma_23 | 0.0440777 | 0.0142545 | 0.0282173 | 0.0282176 |
gamma_24 | -0.0067876 | 0.0113042 | 0.0000245 | 0.0000245 |
gamma_31 | 0.0840088 | 0.1604749 | 0.1327353 | 0.1327347 |
gamma_32 | 0.0440777 | 0.0142545 | 0.0282173 | 0.0282176 |
gamma_33 | -0.0537696 | -0.2579512 | -0.1686640 | -0.1686629 |
gamma_34 | -0.0743169 | 0.0832218 | 0.0077114 | 0.0077106 |
gamma_41 | 0.0224287 | -0.0384211 | -0.0133526 | -0.0133522 |
gamma_42 | -0.0067876 | 0.0113042 | 0.0000245 | 0.0000245 |
gamma_43 | -0.0743169 | 0.0832218 | 0.0077114 | 0.0077106 |
gamma_44 | 0.0586758 | -0.0561049 | 0.0056167 | 0.0056171 |
The parameters of most demand models, such as the AIDS, do not have a straightforward interpretation, and the slopes of the demand curves depend on arbitrary units of measurement. We can present the results in terms of elasticities.
I won’t give the elasticities expressions here. For the expenditure elasticities of demand and the price elasticities derived from Marshallian demand functions, see Anderson and Blundell (1983, page 400). For the price elasticities derived from Hicksian demand functions, see Deaton and Muellbauer (1980b, page 45).
The demand elasticities are calculated at sample means:
## Function: to calcualte expenditure and price elasticities of demand (Marshallian and Hicksian) ----
aids_elas <- function(coef,data,shares,prices) {
alpha <- coef[grepl('alpha',names(coef))]
n <- length(alpha)
beta <- coef[grepl('beta',names(coef))]
gamma <- matrix(coef[grepl('gamma',names(coef))], nrow = n)
ones <- rep(1,n)
expenditure <- ones + beta/shares
marshall <- -diag(1,n,n) + gamma/(shares %*% t(ones)) - beta %*% t(ones) * (ones %*% t(alpha) + ones %*% t(gamma %*% log(prices))) / (shares %*% t(ones))
hicks <- marshall + (expenditure %*% t(ones)) * (ones %*% t(shares))
names(expenditure) <- paste0("q_",c(1:n))
rownames(hicks) <- paste0("q_",c(1:n))
colnames(hicks) <- paste0("p_",c(1:n))
rownames(marshall) <- paste0("q_",c(1:n))
colnames(marshall) <- paste0("p_",c(1:n))
## Dimensions of the output
out <- list()
out$expenditure <- expenditure
out$hicks <- hicks
out$marshall <- marshall
## Print
cat("Expenditure Elasticities \n")
cat("\n Marshallian Price Elasticities \n")
cat("\n Hicksian (compensated) Price Elasticities \n")
## Excute the functions
aids_elas(coef = aids_est(maxIter = 10, tol = 1e-5, b_start = la_coef(la_est, n=4, data = la_data)$coef, data = aids_data, n=4)$b,
data = aids_data,
shares = unique(data_long %>% ungroup %>% select(c('Food','w_j')))$w_j,
prices = unique(data_long %>% ungroup %>% select(c('Food','p_j')))$p_j)
## Expenditure Elasticities
## q_1 q_2 q_3 q_4
## 1.2996758 0.7478217 -1.2136504 1.7161614
## Marshallian Price Elasticities
## p_1 p_2 p_3 p_4
## q_1 -1.5015562 0.02508309 0.2594339 -0.08263667
## q_2 0.1520449 -1.21573483 0.2824080 0.03346030
## q_3 1.2931987 0.58517488 -1.0148567 0.35013350
## q_4 -0.1357946 -0.12118401 -0.3803176 -1.07886520
## Hicksian (compensated) Price Elasticities
## p_1 p_2 p_3 p_4
## q_1 -1.098169 0.2854650 0.4337530 0.3790732
## q_2 0.384150 -1.0659134 0.3827096 0.2991239
## q_3 0.916512 0.3420276 -1.1776376 -0.0810158
## q_4 0.396859 0.2226382 -0.1501374 -0.4691989
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