Teaching Assistant
(Graduate Level Courses at IDEA Program, UAB)
Econometrics II (2024, Instructor: Michael Creel) []
- [Syllabus] and Course Page
- Numerical Optimization [TA1.m]
- MLE [TA2.m] [TA2.ipynb]
- GMM [TA3.m]
Microeconometrics, Part I (2021, 2022, Instructor: Hanna Wang; 2024, Instructor: Joan Llull) []
- [Syllabus] and Course Materials
- Panel Data [TA1.pdf]
- Discrete Choice [TA2.pdf]
- Censoring, Truncation, and Selection [TA3.pdf]
- Duration Analysis [TA4.pdf]
Microeconometrics, Part II (2024, Instructor: Joan Llull) []
- [Syllabus] and Course Materials
- Treatment Effects: RCT, Matching, and IV [TA1.pdf]
- Treatment Effects: RD and DiD [TA2.pdf]
- Dynamic Discrete Choice: Full Solution [TA3.pdf]
- Dynamic Discrete Choice: CCP [TA4.pdf]
Development Economics (2024; Instructor: Laurence Go) []
Applied Industrial Organization (2023, Instructor: Susanna Esteban) []